Two CSGO teams are engaged in gun-toting combat. It has become a pillar of the esports industry since it is one of the simplest games to play. The CSGO professional scene comprises CSGO Teams, CSGO Players, and CSGO Tournament Setups. The Counter-Strike video game series is among the most well-known.

The first game debuted in 1999 and launched the team-based shooter subgenre. How on earth is it that in 2022, the most played game on Steam is still from 2012? The most popular version of it is called CS:GO, and it is an entirely wild craze. Many other games employ a similar tactic of dividing players into two teams and having them compete while pursuing different goals. Many shooters include small-scale battles, a wide array of weaponry, and game modes.

A few reasons are of  Pro CSGO matches love its :

  • More depth than you might imagine can be found in the gameplay.
  • The influence of esports
  • Social interaction
  • Skins’ pleasure
  • There are numerous maps and modes.

Top 5 favorite maps of CSGO


With 29.6% of players preferring to play it in MM, Mirage will be the most popular CSGO tournament map in 2022. According to statistics, Mirage is the event favorite among CS:GO players regardless of the platform. On Faceit, rival gamers who take advantage of official matching give Mirage a far higher rating than they do. Even though regularly new places are added to the map pool, Mirage is still used in roughly 30% of the matches. The golden Marrakesh architecture and medieval buildings hold a particular place in the hearts of gamers. Even though Mirage’s golden backdrop and traditional doors are beautiful to look at, players are likely drawn in by the game’s well-balanced structure. Mirage is the most evenly distributed map in CSGO, with a victory ratio of 50% for both sides. Mirage’s distinctive design ensures fair play regardless of whichever side you spawn on.


Contrary to many other CSGO competition maps, which are relatively uninteresting in terms of design and color, Inferno is wonderful (likely so as not to divert players). It is a lovely town with lovely buildings. Being here is enjoyable, so explore this new terrain and the Inferno Callouts at your leisure.

Of course, professional CSGO players don’t always care about appearance. Combat opportunities appear often, and Inferno is a terrific setting for shootouts. Anti-terrorists quickly seize control of the A and B Sides, and there is an intriguing likelihood of defending these areas. Although terrorists can use the Rush B scenario to kill opponents with bananas or deceive them by setting up shop on A in a flat with an arched side.

Dust II

This map was beloved by the CSGO community in many of the games in the series, and it made a victorious return in Global Offensive. In Dust II, several well-known sites may be seen (Dust 2 callouts). Terrorist snipers might try to fire targets practically at the enemy spawn point through the Mid Door. The A Bomb Side is an elevated platform with a vast expanse of excellent tactical and strategic opportunities.

Various confrontations are going on inside Long Doors and Long A. To successfully put or defuse the bomb on the B Side, which is relatively closed off and provides good ambush areas, CSGO players must employ brazen and inventive thinking.


Similar to Inferno, CTs are given an inordinate amount of map control at the start of the game. If T-side players successfully get inside the bombsites, the defense will suffer from a challenging rotation in both locations. Long sight ranges on Overpass create additional difficulty, favoring AWPers and those with exceptional aim. When combined with enough situational awareness, this allows for various playstyles, from skilled aimers to intelligent strategists.


It’s intriguing how the Bomb Sides are arranged on this map, one under the other. The building’s broad halls and little passageways add variety to the experience. Including on roofs, shootings can occur outside. The Nuke map in CSGO is a small location where professional players routinely collide. This teaches players to be more careful and to constantly utilize Nuke callouts to coordinate their actions with the rest of the squad.


According to CSGO news, the top three maps, Mirage, Inferno, and Dust 2, host over 70% of the matches, or around 3.6 million matching matches. When compared to the other maps, there is a significant difference. Nuke appears to have progressively developed a fan base despite having previously faced much hate and criticism. Positively, it has surpassed several other top-notch maps to become the fourth most popular map.